What is Instacart?

Instacart same-day delivery and pickup services bring fresh groceries and everyday essentials to busy people and families across the U.S. and Canada in as fast as an hour. Instacart has partnered with more than 350 beloved national, regional, and local retailers, including Albertsons, ALDI, Costco, Kroger, Loblaw, Publix, Sam's Club, Sprouts, Walmart Canada, and Wegmans, among others, to deliver from more than 25,000 stores across more than 5,500 cities in North America.

Instacart’s delivery service is available to more than 85% of U.S. households and 70% of Canadian households. The company's cutting-edge enterprise technology also powers the e-commerce platforms of some of the world's biggest retail players, supporting their white-label websites, applications, and delivery solutions. Instacart heaquarters are in San Francisco, California.

How does Instacart work?

Instacart connects customers with local Shoppers who shop and deliver items from their favorite stores in as little as an hour. Simply choose from a wide selection of popular national and regional retailers through the Instacart marketplace, which includes over 900 trusted options. Schedule your delivery for a convenient time that suits you, with delivery windows starting as early as 9am and running until midnight. Meet your shopper at your door to receive your groceries, or opt for a pickup option available at select locations. It's that easy to get your groceries with Instacart.

Instacart competitors

Instacart, as the largest player in the market, faces competition from various companies such as goPuff, Amazon Fresh, Walmart+, Shipt, FreshDirect, Burpy, Onfleet, OurHarvest, Growcer, and DoorDash. While these competitors offer similar grocery delivery and convenience services, Instacart stands out for its extensive scale and market presence.

Instacart layoffs

In preparation for its upcoming IPO (Initial Public Offering), Instacart has made the strategic decision to cut jobs and reduce expenses. The company has taken measures to streamline its operations and optimize its cost structure, ensuring financial stability and increased efficiency. While the move to cut jobs is never easy, it reflects Instacart's commitment to aligning its resources and positioning itself for long-term success in the competitive market of grocery delivery and convenience services. This strategic restructuring demonstrates Instacart's proactive approach in adapting to market dynamics and creating a solid foundation for its IPO debut.

What is an IPO?

Is Instacart worth it?

Despite the potentially higher cost, the convenience and time-saving benefits of Instacart make it a worthwhile investment. Whether you're homebound due to illness or car trouble, or simply value the reclaimed time and energy, Instacart brings groceries to your doorstep, eliminating the need for in-person shopping. The added convenience and saved time make it a practical choice.

Instacart stock

instacart stock price

Instacart stock price source: IPO CLUB Valuation at Market©

Instacart valuation

In July 2023, Instacart valuation is around $11 billion.

Who owns Instacart?

Instacart is a private company with some notable shareholders, including Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, Fidelity, D1 Capital Partners and T. Rowe Price

Instacart IPO

See our article from June 2023, on the most anticipated IPOs

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Sep 2023: Instacart IPO Analysis

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CNBC's Deirdre Bosa reports on Instacart's latest valuation and the CEO's outlook for consumer sentiment. The company may IPO soon.
