New name, old game.

We have changed our name to IPO CLUB

This should not be a surprise, as nothing is permanent except change. Heraclitus used to say:

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he's not the same man.”

The original business has expanded, we do more deals, and we use the public market to hedge ourselves; hence, the prefix “pre” became superfluous.

What will not change?

Our passion for investing is still strong. In the last 24 months, we have progressed in our learning curve and can now better analyze and structure deals.

Investing in America: 90% of our investments are in American companies and will stay so even after the recent regional banking crisis. Why? 

  • America still has the safest and most liquid financial markets, underpinned by a deep repo ecosystem.

  • The dollar remains the world's reserve currency (and will remain so for a while). Does the current world economy make investing in Europe, Japan, China, Latam, or Russia look like a good idea? No, thank you.

We consider it a privilege to invest in U.S. companies, and we are happy with that. Take SpaceX as an example. Find another country where a company can invest $2 billion in a rocket


DataRobot and SBI Holdings Strengthen Partnership


SpaceX funding update